The Presbyterian Churches of Louisiana Mo

Calendar for July and August

Daily Devotional
Calendar Birthdays
For Visitors
Photo Album
Mission & Ministry
Chuch Histories
Dove Tale
Pastors' Message

Summer 2011


18 - 22 - Ecumenical

Vacation Bible School at

First Christian. First serves meal on Monday, Elmwood on Tuesday.

20 - First Church Session

       7 pm. McIlroy Room

24 - 8 am. Elmwood Session  meeting at the church

   11 am  - Multicultural Sunday at First Church

  Lunch following worship

31 thru Aug.13 - Pastor   John’s vacation.

31 - Brad Sheppard will be our pulpit guest and discuss his new ministry.


7 - 9 am - Both churches will worship at First with Joe Siefkas as pulpit guest. There will be communion with Elder Marilyn Johnson officiating.

13 - Back to School Fair at     Pike County Fairgrounds.

16 - Bloodmobile at Elks      Lodge. EPW assisting.

17 - 7 pm - First Church             Session            


25 - Missouri Union Presbytery meets at Camp Covenant Point.



Someone to be the webmaster for the church’s web page


Election of New Elder

Jeff Barnes has been elected

an Elder at First Church to complete Gene Pritchett’s term. Congratulations! Thanks to Gene for his many years on the Session.

Birthdays & Anniversaries


17 - Lyle Calvin, David Smith, Wes Patton

19 - Pat Radford, Kathryn & Jim Whitfield Ann.

20 - Elizabeth Stewart, Carmaleta Williams, Doug &

                Chrissy Hoskins Ann.

21 - Jamie Turco

 22 - Kristin Jones

24 - Joni Smith, Suzanne McFarland, Michelle McElfresh

18 - Pam Murr, Jack Logan

29 - Mary Alice Logan, Alyssa Nichole Danback

30 - Cody Bowler, Becky Penrod, Jeremy Manahan, Whittney                 Woods

31 - Marilyn & Haines Moss Ann.


4 - Phillip Ray             6 - Don Martin

9 - Mary Ann Lovell, Tonya Sheppard

11 - Megan Penrod

15 - Connie Browning, Joe Middleton

17 - Kelly Henderson

18 - Lance Calvin, John & Connie Browning’s Ann.

19 - Joe Penrod, Wanda Hunter, John Middleton

20 - Ada V. Murr, Becky Wood, Lou Wollenberg

25 - Sally Logan, Wilma Moore

26 - Sarah & Billy Haines Ann. Barron Stoops, Judy Trost, Dickie Trower, Gary Trower, Lois Turner. 

27 - Josh Lombardino, Sharon & Ray Love Ann.

29 - Brooke Moore, the Tom Powelson’s Ann.

30 - Sheila Patton